Workplace loneliness

Web page

Tackling workplace loneliness and supporting employees to build social connections can create a more productive and resilient team. This web page covers some key facts about loneliness at work and offers advice on helping staff build connections.

Feeling lonely isn’t in itself a mental health problem, but the two are strongly linked. Tackling workplace loneliness and supporting employees to build social connections can create a more productive and resilient team. However, the pandemic changed the way many of us work, and some employees have been left feeling isolated by the rise of home working. Other groups can also be disproportionately affected by loneliness, including those with mental health conditions, LGBTQIA+ people, or those from minoritised ethnic groups.

This web page from the Campaign to End Loneliness covers some key facts about loneliness at work, and offers links to several guides that can help you learn more about it and create strategies to help staff to build meaningful connections in your workplace.

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Campaign to End Loneliness
Campaign to End Loneliness

The Campaign to End Loneliness is a network of organisations and individuals working to tackle loneliness.

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