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Talking therapies in Surrey

Organisation: Healthy Surrey

Web page

Sometimes it can be hard to find someone you are comfortable sharing your problems with. When it comes to talking about depression, anxiety or other stressful situations in life, you might feel vulnerable or nervous. Talking therapy can help you find someone who will listen without judgement, offer support and encouragement, and signpost you to additional information.

This web page provides links to support for anyone over 17 who is experiencing anxiety or depression and is registered with a GP practice in Surrey. You can find links for group support, one-on-one talking therapists, and in-person appointments – all of which are free and confidential.

There is also specialist support available for key workers. This short video is aimed at those who have been working in essential roles during the pandemic.

Please note that this service is not for urgent help. Please consider calling the Samaritans​Samaritans helpline Web page The Samaritans helpline is available 24 hours a day, providing a one-to-one listening service for anyone experiencing distress.Free By: Samaritans View resource or another help line for emergency support.
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Organisation: Healthy Surrey
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Healthy Surrey
Healthy Surrey

Healthy Surrey helps those living in Surrey to find self-care information.

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