Coping strategies: teachers and education staff

Organisation: Education Support

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Some coping strategies may help in the short term, but go on to cause harm if relied on in the long term. These guides will help you explore how to spot the signs of harm in yourself or a colleagues and where to get support if it’s needed.

Coping mechanisms and coping strategies are things we do to try and protect ourselves from stress, anxiety, trauma, or any other mental health challenge. While some coping mechanisms might be helpful or harmless, some might cause problems in your day-to-day life if you reply on them too often. For example, problem gambling, drinking, or eating something unhealthy might help you feel better in the moment, but can lead to bigger issues in the future.

These three guides from Education Support cover three common negative coping strategies – addiction, emotional eating, and alcohol. Each PDF guide explores the topic in detail – why it happens, why it feels good, and the unwanted effects it might be having on your life. They also suggest other coping strategies you might find useful instead, and support that you can turn to if you think you might need some help with your unhealthy habits.

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Organisation: Education Support
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Education Support

Education Support provides mental health and wellbeing support to UK education staff and organisations.

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