Budgeting tips

Organisation: Education Support

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We know money worries can have a big impact on your mental wellbeing. It can disturb your sleep, and leave you feeling anxious and unable to concentrate. And with inflation rising and the cost of living increasing, it’s something more and more of us are thinking about.

But there is help available. This guide from Education Support will help you to create a budget for yourself and your household. With an accurate budget, you’ll be able to cut out unnecessary expenses and save money, or stop running up big debts. If you already have debt problems, a budget will show you how much spare cash you have.

While it was originally created with teachers and other education staff in mind, anyone can use the tips here to create their own budget.

The page also links to a benefits checker, so you can find out what you’re entitled to and how to claim them.

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Organisation: Education Support
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Education Support
Education Support

Education Support provides mental health and wellbeing support to UK education staff and organisations.

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