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Employers guide to PMDD

Organisation: See Her Thrive

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PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) is a hormone-based mood disorder which affects around 1 in 20 people who have periods. It can cause severe emotional, professional, and personal harm to those affected, due to extreme psychological symptoms which occur before their period every month. Some also suffer from additional physical symptoms as part of their PMDD.

After symptoms disappear (around the onset of their period), many people report feelings of guilt, which can lead to over-compensatory behaviours such as working longer hours, taking on too much, setting unrealistic targets and taking work home. This in turn affects their wellbeing, even after direct symptoms have passed.

This PDF guide for employers covers supportive policies and practices, as well as legal obligations, surrounding PMDD.

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Organisation: See Her Thrive
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See Her Thrive
See Her Thrive

A team of business psychologists and women’s health experts providing a range of solutions to support women’s health.

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