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Things not to say series – racism

Organisation: BBC Three

Playlist or series

Understanding unconscious racism is a demanding topic, and it’s fine to feel like you need time to take it all in and understand it.

If you’re in need of a break, or interested in sharing some light-hearted yet educational videos, the “Things not to say” series from BBC Three might be ideal. Each video features people discussing their own experiences of everyday prejudices, but in a funny, accessible way.

Mental Health at Work have created a YouTube playlist featuring five videos which focus on race:

  • Things not to say to young Black men,
  • Things not to say to Black women,
  • Things not to say to East Asians,
  • Things not to say to someone of mixed race, and
  • Things not to say to someone with afro hair.

Each video is less than seven minutes long, so can be perfect for helping you recharge while continuing to learn.

While the videos are informative and sensitive, they do discuss topics and use language which you might not consider appropriate for the workplace. Before sending these to your colleagues, please ensure they are aware of the content, and make sure you are following any communications guidance provided by your organisation.

You can watch the playlist from here, or click the link below to select which video you’d like to see.

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Organisation: BBC Three
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BBC Three
BBC Three

BBC Three is a British internet television service operated by the BBC.

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