Cost of living and mental health in the physical activity sector

Organisation: Mind


We're facing the biggest cost of living crisis in a generation - and its affecting our mental health. If you're worried about how your staff are being affected by the cost of living crisis, this guide book from Mind can help.

We’re facing the biggest cost of living crisis in a generation – and its affecting our mental health. We know money problems can make us stressed, anxious, and impact the quality of our sleep.

If you’re worried about how your staff are being affected by the cost of living crisis, this guide book from Mind can help. It includes ideas of how you can provide support to your people, and links to other resources that you might find useful. It also includes a webinar that can help explain the link between money and mental health, and how to spot the signs someone might be struggling.

It’s aimed specifically at the physical activity sector, but might be useful for those in other industries too.

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Organisation: Mind
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Mind provides advice and support on mental health, and campaigns to improve understanding, across England and Wales.

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