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The cost-of-living crisis in the UK: a whole society response to protect people’s mental health

Organisation: MQ


The UK is experiencing a cost-of-living crisis. This means the cost of the things we need, like electricity and food, is rising much faster than average household earns.

We know money worries affect our mental wellbeing, so it’s not surprising that the cost-of-living crisis has made many of us feel stressed and anxious.

This PDF from MQ explores the impact the cost-of-living crisis is having, and provides key recommendations to employers to help them support staff who may be experiencing the biggest impact. It also includes a case study from a large firm which is offering financial advice and support to their staff.

You can also find recommendations for individuals, which you might like to use yourself or share with other members of your team.

Suggestions for employers begins on page 17 of the PDF.

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Organisation: MQ
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MQ Mental Health Research

MQ is a charity dedicated to researching and studying mental health.

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