
Supporting staff wellbeing in primary schools

Primary school staff juggle a multitude of different tasks and demands, so it’s really important that they are given the right emotional and practical support.

So, below are ten resources that are particularly useful for teachers, support staff and others working in primary schools, all recommended by the people behind Mentally Healthy Schools. It’s a free website launched by the Duchess of Cambridge in 2018, offering information, advice and practical resources to better understand and promote mental health and wellbeing in schools.

When we have good levels of wellbeing, we feel that life is in balance and that we can deal effectively with daily troubles, as well as bounce back from life’s challenges. Positive staff wellbeing can increase productivity and engagement, improve people’s job satisfaction, and help to reduce absence from work – and it means that staff are better able, in turn, to support their pupils.

There are lots of things that schools can do to promote this. We hope the resources below will give you some ideas.

Resources in this toolkit:


​What keeps us going

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If you’re having a tough week and lots of worries are building up, it can be difficult to cope. This simple activity from YoungMinds encourages school staff to think about the things that help get them through.
