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Mental health guidance for members of the Football Writers’ Association

Organisation: The Football Association


The physical and mental health of footballers is scrutinised by millions – but for those who report on the game for a living, there are all sorts of pressures too. From long hours on the road, to uncertain work, to a competitive and high-pressure culture, it can easily take its toll on your mental health.

This guide has been put together by the team here at Mental Health at Work and the Football Association, to help support football writers’ mental health. It runs through many of the issues and is full of little tips for taking care of yourself and lowering the pressure, plus links and pointers for where to get more information. Produced as part of the HeadsUp campaign, it’s a downloadable PDF that you can read through quickly and keep around to refer to when you need it.

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Organisation: The Football Association
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The Football Association

The Football Association (FA) oversees football in England, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

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