Freelancer Wellbeing Hub

Organisation: Film and TV Charity

Web page

Being a freelancer in the film and TV industry can give you the freedom and flexibility to follow your passion. But it can also come with a lot of uncertainty and pressure, and this can have an impact on your mental wellbeing.

The Film and TV Charity have created their Freelancer Wellbeing Hub to help you to learn more about your mental health, and find out what you can do to improve it. You can start by taking the one minute ‘wellbeing check-in’ quiz to get tailored tips and advice for managing common industry stressors, and ways to boost your wellbeing at work.

There are also a collection of resources available that can help you to understand your stress triggers, manage low mood and anxiety, spot when you need to reach out, and other important wellbeing advice.

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Organisation: Film and TV Charity
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Film and TV Charity
Film and TV Charity

The Film and TV Charity aims to support the lives of everyone involved in the UK film, TV and cinema industry.

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