Common adjustments for staff experiencing mental ill health

Organisation: Acas


Employers can be required to make adjustments to make sure employees aren't disadvantaged by mental health problems—and, even when not a requirement, it's a good idea. This brief document from Acas lists lots of suggestions, including many free ones.

In some cases, an employee’s mental health problem amounts to a disability. It’s then a legal duty for the employer to consider making reasonable adjustmentsReasonable adjustmentsEmployers must make reasonable adjustments to make sure workers with disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions, aren’t substantially disadvantaged when doing their jobs. This applies to all workers, including trainees, apprentices, contract workers and business partners. Reasonable adjustments could...Find out more to help them carry out their job without being at a disadvantage. But in all cases, it’s a good idea to consider what you can do to make things easier—and often just small, simple changes are all that’s needed.

This document from Acas lists a variety of changes that you could consider, including work schedule, roles and responsibilities, policy changes and adjustments to the working environment.

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Organisation: Acas

It’s crucial that employers understand adjustments or phased returns to work are not just about reduced hours. There are many more aspects to consider when employees have experienced mental ill health.

Jane Fowler
Jane Fowler

Management Consultant,
PA Consulting Group

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