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Blue Light wellbeing framework

Organisation: Oscar Kilo

Web page

The Blue Light Wellbeing Framework is designed to help you assess and address the unique challenges that can affect the mental health and wellbeing of people working in the emergency services.

The Framework is grounded in robust academic research on what works in relation to wellbeing in policing, coupled with expert guidance from Public Health England. It provides invaluable guidance, advice and support in the key areas of leadership, environment and resilience, including some of the emerging risks faced by staff, such as exposure to indecent imagery. This can be adapted to issues faced across blue light services.

Its overarching focus is on creating a positive working environment in which the workforce can draw meaning and purpose from what is both a challenging and hugely rewarding profession. Using guidance within the Framework, all services can embed wellbeing into daily business.

The rest of the Oscar Kilo website provides access to useful research, guidance and resources that reflect the areas of the Framework. It also hosts practitioner communities where you can share ideas and best practice with emergency services colleagues around the country.

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Organisation: Oscar Kilo
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Oscar Kilo

Oscar Kilo's mission is to be the home of the evidence base and best practice for emergency services wellbeing.

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