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Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work: a guide for people professionals

Organisation: CIPD


This PDF guide from CIPD covers the key facts you need to know about the law and alcohol/drugs, how to cope with an employee disclosing they have a problem, and creating a safe environment where substance abuse is not being encouraged.

You may at some point in your career have to handle a situation where an employee is misusing alcohol and/or drugs. While occasional and sensible use of such substances might not present a problem, sometimes they can interfere with work and become an issue that needs your attention. Whatever your personal views, it is important that to handle such cases professionally and with integrity – supporting people wherever you can and ensuring that there is a fair outcome.

This PDF guide from CIPD covers the key facts you need to know about the law and alcohol/drugs, how to cope with an employee disclosing they have a problem, and creating a safe environment where substance abuse is not being encouraged.

It would be great to refer to when creating your own drug and alcohol policy, and also to keep to hand in case you experience a substance absue issue in your workplace and would like guidance on how to proceed.

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Organisation: CIPD
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CIPD is the professional body for HR and people development.

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